[1] A Trajectory Piecewise linear Approach to model order
reduction and fast simulation of nonlinear circuits and micromachined devices,
Rewienski, White [pdf]
[2] A quadratic method for nonlinear model order reduction,
chen, white [pdf]
[3] Model Order Reduction for Nonlinear System, Y.Chen
[4] PRIMA: Passive reduced order interconnect macromodeling
algorithm, Odabasioglu [pdf]
[5] Reduced-order modeling of large linear passive multi-terminal
circuits using matrix-Pade approximation, Freund
[6] Asymptotic waveform evaluation for timing
analysis ,Pillage, L.T.; Rohrer, R.A [pdf]
[7] Feldmann, P. and Freund, R. W., Efficient
Linear Circuit Analysis by Pade Approximation via the Lanczos Process [ps]
[8] Padé e approximants / George A. Baker, Jr.,
Peter Graves-Morris [book]
[9] Applied Analysis, C. Lanczos [book]
[10] Reduced-order modeling of large linear subcircuits via
a block lanczos algorithm, Feldman, Freund
[11] Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers With Commentaries
/ edited By William R. Davis . [book]
[12] A lanczos-type method for multiple starting vectors,
[13] Reduced-Order Modeling Techniques Based on Krylov
Subspaces and Their Use in Circuit Simulation, Freund
[14] Feldmann, talk [pdf1]
[15] Young, talk
[16] Freund, Reduction techniques
[17] A Block Rational Arnoldi Algorithm for Multipoint
Passive Model-Order Reduction of Multiport RLC Networks, Elfadel, Ling
AWE inspired, Pillage, Rohrer, etc
Workshops and presentations
[1] Next generation CAD tools for Giga integrated mixed
technology System-On-A-Chip Workshop,DARPA [pdf]
[2] Solutions to the metal interconnect design and analysis
bottleneck, chiprout [ps]
[3] Numerical Simulation of Electronic Circuits: State-of-the-Art
Techniques and Challenges,Freund [ps]