April, 2024

  • Romil's paper on optial steganography got accpeted in Optical Material Express.
  • Arka gave a invited talk in UK metamaterial network!!
  • Arka gave two invited talks in MRS Spring meeting in Seattle!!
  • March, 2024

    • Arka gave an invited talk on nonvolatile programmable photonics in OFC!!
    • Rui's work on Low-loss multilevel operation using lossy PCM got accepted in Journal of Optical Microsystems!!
    • Collaborative work with Prof. Devin MacKenzie on printing quantum dots on cavities has been accepted on Advanced Materials Technologies.

    February, 2024

    • Minho's work on flatband photodetector has been accepted in Nano Letters.
    • Rui's work on phase change material integrated foundry compatible silicon photonics has been accepted in NPJ Nanophotonics.

    January, 2024

    • Arka gave an invited talk in PQE.
    • Arka gave three invited talks in SPIE Photonics West and in Samsung!!

    December, 2023

    • Our paper on arbitrary programming of ring resonator using phase change materials in collaboration with Prof. Juejun Hu has been accepted in Nano Letters!!
    • Luocheng's work on broadband thermal imaging has been accepted in Nature Communications!!
    • Our work on multi-level phase change matrial memory for programmable photonics has been selected for "Optics in 2023".
    • Chris passed his PhD defense exam!! He will be heading to Laboratory of Physical Systems in Maryland.
    • Arka gave invited talk in Raytheon.

    November, 2023

    • Anna passed her General examination.
    • Our collaborative work with Prof. Ashok Veeraraghavan on Foveated Thermal Imaging has been accepted in Optica!!

    October, 2023

    • Arka gave invited talk in Applied Materials.
    • Our collaborative work with Prof. Jariwala on Self-Hybridized Exciton-Polaritons in 2D Halide Perovskites has been accepted in the journal Lights: Science and Applications!!
    • Our perspective paper on "software-defined meta-optics" has been accepted in Applied Physics Letters!!

    September, 2023

    • Arka gave invited talks in U. of Rochester, Google, and Micro-optics conference (Japan).
    • Our collaborative work with HPE on memristor-based photon switch has been accepted in Advanced Optical Materials!!
    • Our paper with Prof. Davoyan on exciton assisted waveguidin in 2D materials has beend accepted in Optica!!
    • Erik and Luocheng will be starting their job at Meta. Congratulations!!

    August, 2023

    • Arka gave invited talks in SPIE Optics and Photonics, Optica Flat Optics Conference, MIT and VT.
    • Abhi's passed his thesis defense exam. He will be starting as a postdoc in NIST, Boulder.

    July, 2023

    • Rui's opinion paper on scaling space-bandwidth product in an SLM is accepted in Optical Material Express!!
    • Arka gave invited talks in META-2023, U. of Nottingham and Sony.
    • Arnab's paper on strain-tuning of optical cavities has been accepted in ACS Photonics!!

    June, 2023

    • Anna will be going to Google over the summer for an internship!!
    • Rui passed his general exam!!
    • Forrest passed his MS defense!!
    • Luocheng passed his PhD defense!!

    May, 2023

    • Chris's paper on Flat Band Meta-optics in visible is accepted in ACS Photonics!!
    • Arka gave multiple webinars on "Agile Endoscopy using Meta-Optics".
    • Rui's paper on SbS-SOI integrated photonics is accepted in Nature Communications!!
    • Johannes's paper on meta-optics for full-color endoscopy has been accepted in eLights!!
    • Max's paper on Physics-inspired neural network has been accepted in Communications Engineering!!
    • Arka talked in the Optica Technical Group Panel on "what is next in nanophotonics?"
    • We have 14 contributed papers accepted in CLEO, 2023!!

    April, 2023

    • Aamod will be joining University of Rochester as a Postdoc.
    • Our paper on miniature camera using hybrid refractive/ meta-optics in collaboration with Prof. Karen Egiazarian's group has been accepted in Science Advances!!
    • Our paper on multi-functional interface between PIC and free space optics has been accepted in Advanced Photonics Nexus.
    • Roger passed his defense!!
    • Arka gave an invited talk on our PCM-integrated photonics work in MRS Spring Meeting.

    March, 2023

    • Forrest's paper on rewritable PCM-PIC design is accepted in Optics Letters!!
    • Roger's perspective paper on phase change material integrated silicon photonics is accepted in Science Bulletin!!
    • Saswata's paper on doube phase holography using meta-optics is accepted in ACS Photonics!!
    • Our design paper on polarization control using SbSe in collaoration with Prof. Peipeng Xu is accepted in Optics Express!!
    • Saswata will be joining ASML as an optical research engineer!!
    • Max defended his thesis. He will be starting his position in Intel!!
    • We have 5 papers from the group in APS March Meeting, and one in OFC.

    February, 2023

    • Our paper on Scanning Fiber Endoscopy using meta-optics has been accepted in SPIE Journal of Biomedical Optics.
    • Aamod and Arnab presented their research in SPIE Photonics West.

    January, 2023

    • Chris passed his general examination.
    • Arka gave a talk on "how to scale spatial light modulator" in physics of quantum electronics conference.

    December, 2022

    • Arka gave SPIE JOM webinar on Software defined meta-optics.

    November, 2022

    • Arka gave a talk on phase change material integrated photonics in Optica Technical Group on "Optics in Digital Systems".
    • Our collaborative work with Prof. Cossairt and Prof. Kagan on deterministic giant quantum dot array is accepted in ACS-AMAI!!
    • Anna presented our work on meta-optical computational imaging in Meta-day at University of Washington.
    • Our work on phase change material integrated photonics has been selected as one of the top discoveries in optics/ photonics in 2022 by Optica!!

    October, 2022

    • Arka gave an invited colloquium in UCF-CREOL and in the annual meeting of American Society of Precision Engineers.
    • David is going to do an internship in Tunoptix!!

    September, 2022

    • Roger started his second internship in Meta.
    • Arka gave two invited talks on phase change material integrated photonics in EPCOS-2022, and Materials for Haminities-2022.

    August, 2022

    • Rui's paper on perspective of phase change material integrated photonics is accepted in ACS Photonics
    • Johaness's paper on compuational spectroscopy is accepted in ACS Photonics!!
    • Arka gave an invited talk on monolayer nanophotonics in SPIE Optics and Photonics.

    July, 2022

    • Arka gave an invited talk on metasurface for computational imaging in Optica Imaging and Applied Optics Congress.
    • Arka gave a seminar on Software Defined Meta-optics in AMS-OSRAM.
    • Roger's paper on graphene heater actuated GST-Silicon Photonic Platform got published in Nature Nanotechnology!!

    June, 2022

    • Arka gave an invited talk on optical neural network in Optica Nanophotonics Technology Group.
    • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Devin MacKenzie on printable quantum dots on nano-cavities is accepted in Nano Letters.
    • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Steven Johnson on inverse-designed spectrally-spatially engineered meta-optics accepted in Advanced Optical Matertials.
    • James is going to join Micron full-time as a process engineer.
    • Luocheng off to an internship in Meta; Roger in HP Labs.

    May, 2022

    • Luocheng passed his general exam!! Congratulations!!
    • Arka gave an invited talk on Software defined meta-optics in MRS.
    • James passed his thesis defense!! Congratulations!!
    • Roger gave an invited talk in CLEO on our work on graphene-PCM-SOI platform.
    • Our group has 9 papers accepted in Conference in Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO) this year!!

    April, 2022

    • Rui's work on broadband programmable unit using GST-SOI platform is accepted in ACS Photonics. Congratulations!!
    • Arka gave a talk in Boston Collegen Physics Colloquium on our work on coupled cavity arrays!!
    • Arka gave an invited talk in Piers on phase change material work!!
    • Roger got the College of Engineering Student Research Award. Congratulations!!
    • Our collaborative work with Prof. Chang-Hua Liu on BP-MoS2 photodetector integrated silicon photonics accepted in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces!!

    March, 2022

    • Our work with Prof. Devin MacKenzie on printable meta-optics has been accepted in Advanced Materials Interfaces!!
    • Luocheng was one of the two winners in the poster competition in UW-ECE day!! Congratulations!!
    • Elyas graduated. Congratulations!! He will be joining Tunoptix.

    February, 2022

    • Arka gave an invited talk in Univ. of Califonia, Riverside.
    • Arka gave two talks in SPIE Photonics West on-demand conference
    • Our paper on knowledge distillation to circumvent nonlinearity in optical neural network is accepted in Applied Optics!!
    • Chris is off to Air Force Reseach Lab for a 6-month internship!!
    • James's paper on EDOF meta-optics is accepted in Photonics Research!!

    January, 2022

    • Roger gave an invited talk on phase change material integrated photonics in SPIE photonics west.
    • Arka gave an invited talk in PQE on software-defined meta-optics.
    • Abhi's paper on Topological Photonics for quantum simulation has been accepted in ACS Photonics. Congratulations!!
    • Luocheng's review paper on full-color meta-optical imaging has been accepted in the journal Advanced Photonics Research (Wiley). Congratulations!!

    December, 2021

    • Arka has been selected as as one of the top 10 young scientist globally by iCAN-X!! Here is the whole list.
    • Abhi passed his general exam. Congratulations!!
    • Our work on meta-optical full color imaging is in press: Optics-Org, Phys-Org, News-Wise, EE-news-Europe.
    • Rui passed his qualification exam!! Congratulations!!
    • David Rosser is going to join Aerospace Corporation!! Congratulations!!

    November, 2021

    • Arka gave an invited talk on software-defined meta-optics in Facebook (Meta) Reality Lab.
    • Arka gave a talk on Metaform optics for ultra-compact augmented reality (AR) visor in the local SID chapter.
    • David Rosser passed his defense. Congratulations!!
    • Our collaborative theory work with Prof. Peipeng Xu on helicity dependent tunable metalens is accepted in Optics Express.

    October, 2021

    • Yueyang's review paper on Integrated quantum nanophotonics with solution-processed materials in collaboration with Prof. Brandi Cossairt is accepted in the journal Advanced Quantum Technologies (Wiley).
    • Arka gave an invited talk on "Software Defined Optics" in TMOS, Australia.
    • Roger and Rui's review paper on Phase Change Material Integrated Silicon Photonics is accepted in IEEE-JSTQE. Congratulations!!

    September, 2021

    • Congratulations Roger on winning 3rd Prize for Best Poster Presentation at the European Phase-Change and Ovonics Symposium 2021!!
    • Our work on Chalcogenide microring in collaboration with Prof. Peipeng Xu has been accepted in Optics Express!!
    • We will be developing solution processed material integrated photonics under a new NSF-STC.
    • Elyas's paper on inverse designed extended depth of focus lens in collaboration with Steven Johnson's group is accepted in the journal Nannophotonice (de Gruyter journal).

    August, 2021

    • Yueyang is starting as an Optical Engineer in Apple.
    • Luocheng and Zheyi's work on LWIR metalens has been highlighted as an Editor's Pick. Editor's Picks serve to highlight articles with excellent scientific quality and are representative of the work taking place in a specific field.

    July, 2021

    • Luocheng and Zheyi's work on LWIR metalens in collaboration with CFDRC and AEGIS Corportation is accepted in Optical Material Express for the special issue on Materials and Devices for Engineering of Thermal Light.
    • Arka gave an invited talk in the conference META.
    • Arka got DARPA-Young Faculty Award. Our team is also selected for a new program DARPA-ENVISION.

    June, 2021

    • Arka gave an invited talk on meta-optical imaging in the OSA Optical Design and Fabrication Congress (IODC/OF&T/Freeform/Flat Optics).
    • Arka gave an invited talk on quantum optoelectronics in BITS-Mesra, India.
    • Roger's paper on on-chip self healing beam got accepted in ACS Photonics!!
    • Shane's paper on neural nano-optics in collaboration with Prof. Felix Heide is accepted in Nature Communications.
    • David (Rosser) is off to his internship in Aeorspace Corportaion and James Whitehead is off to his internship in Osram!!

    May, 2021

    • Arka gave an invited talk in the Flat Optics Workshop arranged by Applied Materials.
    • Yueyang passed his defense. Congratulations!!
    • Roger and James passed their general exams. Congratulations!!
    • Our paper with Prof. Peipeng Xu on Chalcogenide microdisk is accepted in Optics Express.
    • Arka gave an invited talk in CLEO on our work on Phase Change Material Integrated Silicon Photonics.

    April, 2021

    • Two new papers accepted: collaborative work with Prof. Pauzauskie and with Prof. Novosselov!!
    • Arka gave a tutorial and an invited talk in MRS Spring Meeting on our work on meta-optics.
    • James's paper on 1D-to-2D transformation for spatial light modulation is accepted in Optics Letters. Congratulations!!
    • Max is going for an internship in Intel. Congratulations!!

    March, 2021

    • Arka gave three invited talks in Photonics West on our work on meta-optical computational imaging, AR visor and 2D material nanophotonics.
    • Max passed his general examination. Congratulations!!

    February, 2021

    • We have eight papers accepted in CLEO, 2021. Congratulations Roger, Rui, Jiajiu, David, James, Yueyang, Maksym and Luocheng!!
    • Shane's paper on inverse desing of meta-optics using automatic differentiation is accepted in Nature Communications Physics. Congratulations!!
    • Our paper on Chalcogenide nanobeam in collaboration with Prof. Peipeng Xu is accepted in IEEE-Photonics Technology Letters. Congratulations!!
    • Roger's paper on SbS-integrated silicon photonic devices is accepted in Advanced Optical Materials. Congratulations!!
    • Albert's paper on free-space ONN using thermal atomic nonlinearity accepted in Photonics Research (OSA). Congratulations!! This is our first experimental paper on optical neural network!!

    January, 2021

    • Shane is going to join Tunoptix!! Congratulations!!
    • Max's paper on deep learning for photonic simulation in collaboration with Steven Brunton got accepted in ACS Photonics!!

    December, 2020

    • Elyas passed his general examination. Congratulations!!
    • Elyas's paper on design of achromatic AR visor using metasurface is accepted in Applied Optics.

    November, 2020

    • Arka gave three invited talks: in MRS Fall meeting, optics colloquium in Rochester and physics colloquium in Concordia University.
    • Jiajiu and Peipeng's paper on phase change material based low-loss optical switch design is accepted in Optics Express!!

    Sepetember, 2020

    • Arka gave an invited talk at FIO/ LS on meta-form optics for augmented reality.
    • Yueyang is starting his second internship at Facebook Reality Labs. Congratulations!!
    • Albert is starting his new job at Atom Computing. Congratulations!!
    • Jiajiu is starting his new job at Analog Photonics. Congratulations!!

    August, 2020

    • Our work on silicon photonic integrated BP LED in collaboration with Prof. Chang-hua Liu is accepted in Nano Letters.
    • Luocheng and James's paper on EDOF metasurface for full-color imaging is accepted in Photonics Research journal.
    • Arka gave two invited talks at SPIE-optics and photonics digital forum on metaphotonic sensor and single photon nonlinear optics.
    • David passed his general examination. Congratulations!!

    July, 2020

    • Shane received the Yang Award for Outstanding Doctoral Student from the UW-ECE department. Congratulations!!
    • Jiajiu defended his thesis. Congratulations!!
    • Elyas is starting his second internship this year in Microsoft Research. Congratulations!!

    June, 2020

    • Arka gave an invited talk in OSA-COSI on Metaphotonic Computational Image Sensors.
    • Arka gave two invited webinars in Rice University and IIT-Mumbai.
    • Zheyi and Shane's paper on MEMS-actuated metasurface Alvarez lens accepted in Microsystems & Nanoengineering!!
    • Yueyang's paper on exciton-polariton accepted in Nano Letters!!
    • Roger and Luocheng passed their qualification exams!! Congratulations!!
    • Yueyang is starting his remote summer internship in Seagate. Congratulations!!
    • David's paper on electron-phonon interaction in 2D material cQED is accepted in npj 2D materials and applications!!

    May, 2020

    • Yueyang passed his generals!! Congratulations!!
    • Jiajiu's paper on electrically controlled phase change materials integrated silicon nanophotonics got accepted in Advanced Materials!!
    • Shane's paper on depth sensing got accepted in ACS Photonics!!
    • Shane defended his thesis. Congratulations!!

    April, 2020

    • Arka got ONR-YIP award for developing optical FPGA using phase change material integrated silicon photonics.
    • Jiajiu's paper on theoretical modeling of heaters for phase change materials is accepted in ACS Materials and Interfaces.
    • Maksym got NSF graduate fellowship. Congratulations!!

    March, 2020

    • We have five papers accepted in CLEO-2020.
    • Elyas's paper on inverse designed metalens with Steven Johnson's group is accepted in ACS Photonics
    • Yueyang's paper on coupled cavity in collaboration with David Masiello's group is accepted in Physical Review Applied.
    • Elyas is off to Apple for an internship. Congratulations!!
    • Arka gave a talk on computational full-color imaging in NGA-DARPA metamaterial summit.
    • Shane is awarded outstanding graduate student (research) in UW College of Engineering. Congratulations!!

    February, 2020

    • Jiajiu and Peipeng's paper on silicon photonic PBS published in OSA Continuum.
    • Arka gave two invited talks at SPIE photonics west (on phase change materials and metasurface for AR); one invited talk at SPIE lithography (on optical neural network); one invited talk at Samsung Forum on nanophotonic computational image sensor.

    January, 2020

    • Arka gave an invited talk on optical neural network in Toyota Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
    • Albert's paper on degenerate cavity published in Phys. Rev. A; David's paper on 2D material transfer is accepted in Optical Material Express.

    December, 2019

    • Our work on cavity enhanced emission from interlayer excitons in 2D material heterostructure is published in 2D Materials.
    • Max's paper on inverse Mie scattering with ellipsoids is accepted in OSA continuum.
    • Shane's paper on achromatic, varifocal metasurfaces is published in ACS Photonics.

    November, 2019

    • Arka gave an invited talk at U. Penn on the metasurface work.
    • Abhi's paper on improving indistiguishability of single photons from colloidal quantum dots is accepted in ACS Photonics.
    • Abhi, Max and James passed their qualification exam.Congratulations!!
    • Peipeng and Jiajiu's paper in IEEE-PTL is in the front page.

    October, 2019

    • Alan's paper on inverse design of metasurfaces published in Science Advances. Here are some of the press releases: Techexplorist, Phys Org, Nano Werk.
    • Peipeng and Jiajiu's paper on ultra-small mode volume silicon optical resonator is published in Optics Express.

    September, 2019

    • Shane starts his second internship at Facebook Reality Lab!!
    • Peipeng and Jiajiu's paper on polarization-insensitive directional coupler published in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

    August, 2019

    • Arka gave an invited talk at SPIE Optics and Photonics on our GST-integrated silicon photonics work.
    • Shreyas got a job at Rockley photonics as silicon photonics design engineer. Congratulations!!

    July, 2019

    • Arka gave an invited talk at Advanced Photonics Congress (NOMA) on our GST-integrated silicon photonics work.
    • We got a NSF-QII-TAQS award for working on coupled cavity array for quantum simulation!!

    June, 2019

    • Our work in collaboration with Prof. Qihua Xiong on Perovskite nanocrystal integrated SiN resonator has been published in Optics Express.
    • Arka received UW-ECE outstanding research advisor award. Thank you Team!!
    • Yueyang's thermal tuning paper on SU-8 clad SiN resonator has been highlighted as an Editor's Pick!!
    • Taylor will be joining Fluke Corporation.
    • Taylor and Alan graduated!! First PhD students from our lab!! Congratulations!!

    May, 2019

    • Yueyang's paper on tunable polymer-clad SiN resonator accepted in Optics Letter.
    • Arka got UW CoE Outstanding Junior Faculty Award!!
    • Arka gave UW-ECE colloquium on our Metasurface work.
    • Congratulations Alan on successful Thesis defense!!
    • Congratulations Taylor on successful Thesis defense!! He will join Fluke Corporation from June.

    April, 2019

    • Arka gave an invited talk in MRS Spring Meeting on our phase change material work.
    • Jiajiu and Shane's OMEx paper is judged best paper published in the Journal by an emerging researcher in 2018!! Congratulations Jiajiu and Shane!!

    March, 2019

    • Arka and Shane were invited to Google-X to give talk.
    • Arka gave an invited talk at University of Maryland.
    • Elyas won Samsung-UVENTURE challenge and will do an internship there over summer. Jiajiu will be in Intel over summer for internship; Shane in Google-X for internship; Zheyi is in Google for internship. Congratulations all!!
    • Shane passed his generals!! Congratulations!!

    February, 2019

    • Arka gave invited talks at Photonics West, Caltech, and Stanford Attojoule Optoelectronic Workshop.
    • Arka received the NSF-CAREER award.

    January, 2019

    • Arka gave invited talks in PQE and Analog Devices.
    • Elyas and Jiajiu's papers are published in Applied Optics and ACS photonics.

    December, 2018

    • Jiajiu passed his general examination. Congratulations!!

    November, 2018

    October, 2018

    • Two Nano Letters are published: one on vdW metalens (Chang-hua first author) and one on solution processed quantum dots in SiN cavities (Yueyang first author).

    September, 2018

    • Alan started his internship at Oculus, now Facebook Reality lab!!
    • Two new NSF project starts: solution processed quantum dot cQED and printable metasurface.

    August, 2018

    • Elyas and Albert presented in IEEE-Rapid!!

    July, 2018

    • Arka gave an invited talk in iNOW at Berkeley on Metasurface computational imaging!!
    • Two papers by Shane got published: large area metalens in Optica and SiN metasurface review in Optical Material Express.

    June, 2018

    • Shane will start his internship in Oculus and Taylor in Maple Photonics. Congratulations!!
    • Albert's PRB paper on single photon nonlinear optics with 2D material exciton polariton got published.

    May, 2018

    • Arka gave two invited talks: Nanolytica in Simon Fraser University and APS user meetings in Argonne National lab.
    • Elyas became Google Student Fellow, and will be working on augmented reality glass desing as part of the UW reality lab.

    April, 2018

    • Taylor and Alan passed their general examinations. Congratulations!!
    • Taylor's ACS Photonics on encapsulated SiN resonator and Jiajiu's Optical Material Express on GST integrated SOI platform paper got accepted.
    • Arka gave an invited talk on 2D material NLO in SPIE DCS in Orlando.

    February, 2018

    • Shane, Taylor and Jiajiu have their papers accepted in CLEO, 2018. Congratulaions!!
    • Our work on laser-based wireless charging is featured in: GeekWire, Phys. Org., Economic Times, DigitalTrends and Forbes.
    • Alan's paper on inverse design of metasurfaces got published in Applied Optics.
    • Shane's paper on metasurface computational imaging got published in Science Advances. The news about this: GeekWire, Phys. Org., Science Daily, and Opli.

    January, 2018

    • Arka organized the first meeting on 2D photonic materials and devices in Photonics West. The call for second meeting is out here.

    December, 2017

    • In collaboration with Prof. Gollokotta we developed a system to wirelessly charge a smart phone using laser.

    November, 2017

    • Arka gave invited talk at PIERS, 2017.
    • Arka gave invited talk at AVS conference.

    October, 2017

    • We are part of the new NSF-MRSEC center awarded to UW to work on cavity integrated 2D material structures.
    • Arka gave several invited talks at Stanford; U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Berkeley, Intel and Samsung.
    • Chuchuan and Shane's paper on metasurface near eye visor got published.

    September, 2017

    • Taylor's paper on phase-matching in 2D material nonlinear optics got published in optics letters.
    • James, David and Elyas joined our group for PhD.
    • We got two new grants: SAMSUNG-GRO and NSF-EPMD.
    • Arka gave an invited talk at USC.

    August, 2017

    • Arka gave an invited talk FOPS, 2017 cavity integrated 2D material devices.
    • Albert Ryou from Jon Simon's lab in U. Chicago joined our lab as a new postdoc.

    July, 2017

    • Arka gave an invited talk in NOMA+IPR in New Orleans on cavity integrated 2D material devices.
    • Arka gave an invited talk in Oculus Research on metasurface optics.

    June, 2017

    • Shane's paper on metasurface colored imaging got accepted in FIO, 2017.
    • Shane received the student travel fellowship sponsored by National Science Foundation for IEEE-Nano. Congratulations!!
    • Arka gave an invited talk in Intel Labs on metasurface optics.
    • Dan and Chuchuan successfully defended their MS-Thesis. Congratulations!!
    • Chang-hua accepted a faculty position in National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Congratulations!!

    May, 2017

    • Our group received a grant from Intel to work on complex dielectric based phase shifter in silicon photonics.
    • Shane got the 2017 EE Vikram Jandhyala and Suja Vaidyanathan Endowed Innovation Award in Electrical Engineering. Congratulations!!
    • Alan's paper on Metasurface Freeform Nanophotonics got published in Scientific Reports.

    March, 2017

    • Four papers got selected for presentation in CLEO, 2017: Taylor, Shane, Jiajiu and Chang-hua will present. Congratulations!!

    January, 2017

    • Arka gave two invited talks at photonics west on the metasurface work and on 2D material-cavity devices.
    • Our paper on asymmetric fabry perot inspired phase shifter has been published in Scientific reports.
    • Arka's paper from graduate school on Hybrid metal-dielectric nanocavity for enhanced light-matter interactions has been published in Optics Material Express. Featured in OSA news, ScienceDaily, Yahoo! Finance, Opli, Benzinga, Digital Journal, TMCnet, Science Daily, and EurekAlert
    • .

    December, 2016

    • Taylor and Chang Hua's two papers on 2D material-cavities (second harmonic generation and nano-LED) have been published in journal 2D materials and nano letters. See the press release here: UW-EE, EurekAlert, Phys_Org, Nanowerk, ecnmag, azonano.
    • Shane and Jiajiu passed quals. Congratulations!!.

    November, 2016

    • Our paper on fundamental scaling law in nanophotonics has been published in Scientific reports.
    • We received an Amazon Catalyst grant to work on metasurface freeform optics for vision-corrective eyewears.

    August, 2016

    • We received an NSF-EFRI grant to work on quantum communication. Here are the news: NSF, UW-EE and Geek Wire.

    July, 2016

    • Alan got a CEI graduate fellowship. Congratulations!!!
    • Arka gave an invited talk at Integrated Photonics Research on 2D material photonics.

    June, 2016

    • Congratulations to Shane for receiving Rushmer Endowed Fellowship from UW-EE!!
    • Congratulations to Shane for successfully defending his MS thesis!!
    • Michael Kopreski from College of William & Mary is joining our team as a REU student.

    May, 2016

    • Congratulations to Taylor for passing quals!!
    • Shane and Alan reached "Sweet Sixteen" level at UW-Business plan competition for their metasurface based eye-pressure sensor. See the news here.

    March, 2016

    • Rahul got Stanford Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!!
    • Rahul's paper Cavity enhanced second-order nonlinear quantum photonic logic circuits got accepted in Phys. Rev. Applied. Congratulations!!
    • Alan and Shane will be presenting in the CLEO, 2016. Congratulations!!
    • Physics undergraduate student Jacob Waelder will be working with us for the spring quarter.

    February, 2016

    • Arka gave an Invited talk at Photonics West, 2016 on 2D material photonics.
    • "Low Contrast Dielectric Metasurface Optics" got published in ACS photonics.

    January, 2016

    • Arka gave an Invited talk at PQE, 2016 on 2D material photonics.
    • Undergraduate student Bradley Marquez will be working with us for the winter quarter.

    October, 2015

    • Arka gave an OSA webinar. You can see it here .
    • Four undergraduate students will be working with us. Welcome Shana Odem, Jun Park, William Liaw Li and Sarang Joshi.

    September, 2015

    July, 2015

    • Hybrid 2D Material Nanophotonics: A Scalable Platform for Low-Power Nonlinear and Quantum Optics got published in ACS photonics.
    • Chris got a job in Apple, and will leave in a month!! Congratulations Chris!!.
    • Brian-Bemis Stevenson (REU) and Marie Scott joined the group as undergraduate researchers.

    June, 2015

    • Cavity Enhanced Nonlinear Optics for Few Photon Optical Bistability got pubished in optics express.

    May, 2015

    • Tunable dark modes in one-dimensional diatomic dielectric gratings got pubished in optics express.

    April, 2015

    • Undergraduate students Jun-Min Lee, Yuanchao Xu, Anh Tuan Ngo and Morgan Bayer will work with us for the Spring quarter.

    March, 2015

    February, 2015

    • Undergraduate student Derek Tokutake Hsu will work with us for the winter quarter.
    • Graduate student Alan Zhan joined our group.

    January, 2015

    • Arka is awarded the 2015 AFOSR-Young Investigator Award (Porgram Manager: Gernot S. Pomrenke). Thanks Gernot!! Here is the article on this from UW. The actual news release is here.
    • "Simulations of Silicon-on-insulator Channel-waveguide Electro-optical 2 x 2 Switches and 1 x 1 Modulators Using a Ge2Sb2Te5 Self-holding Layer" published in IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology.
    • "Electro-optical switching at 1550 nm using a two-state GeSe phase-change layer" is published in Optics Express.
    • "Electro-optical 1 x 2, 1 x N and N x N fiber-optic and free-space switching over 1.55 to 3.0 micron using a Ge-Ge2Sb2Te5-Ge prism structure" is published in Optics Express.

    October, 2014

    • Arka gave an invited talk in Frontiers in Optics in Tucson, AZ.

    September, 2014

    • Arka gave UW-EE research colloquium for Fall, 2014.
    • Chris officially joined Integrated Quantum Optoelectronics Lab.

    August, 2014

    • Arka received NSF-EFRI grant as a co-PI for 2D material research.
    • Taylor officially joined Integrated Quantum Optoelectronics Lab.
    • "Nonclassical higher-order photon correlations with a quantum dot strongly coupled to a photonic-crystal nanocavity" is published in Phys. Rev. A.
    • Arka officially joined University of Washington, Seattle.