Renewable Energy Analysis Lab - Library |

Teaching material
Fundamentals of Power System Economics (2nd Edition)
Basic Concepts from Economics
Organization of Electricity Markets
Participating in Electricity Markets
Effects of the Transmission Network on Electricity Markets
Power System Operation
Generation Expansion
Transmission Investments
Introduction to Optimization
Power System Economics by Dr.Almaimouni
An Overview
Electric System Operation
Organization of Electricity Markets
Participating in Electricity Markets
Effects of the Transmission Network on Electricity Markets
- M. Rios, K. Bell, D. Kirschen, R. Allan, Computation of the Value of Security. Part I., University of Manchester, 1999.
- M. Rios, D. Kirschen, R. Allan, Computation of the Value of Security. Part II., University of Manchester, 1999.
- D. Nedic, Tap Adjustment in AC Load Flow, University of Manchester, 2002.
- Y. Rebours, D. Kirschen, What is spinning reserve?, University of Manchester, 2005.
- Y. Rebours, D. Kirschen, A Survey of Definitions and Specifications of Reserve Services, University of Manchester, 2005.
- Y.T. Tan, D. Kirschen, "Classification of Control for Demand-Side Participation", University of Manchester, 2007.
- Z. Ning, D. Kirschen, "Preliminary analysis of High Resolution Domestic Load Data", University of Manchester, 2010.
- R. Fernandez-Blanco, Y. Dvorkin, B. Xu, Y. Wang, and D. Kirschen, "Energy Storage Siting and Sizing in the WECC Area and the CAISO System", University of Washington, 2016.
- B. Rose, "Assessment of Earthquake and Tsunami Threat to the Grays Harbor PUD System", University of Washington, 2020.
- D. Kirschen, C. Keerthisinghe, Snohomish Public Utility District Arlington Microgrid, University of Washington, 2022.
Doctoral Dissertations
- D. de Paiva Mendes, "Generation Scheduling, Pricing Mechanism, and Bidding Strategies in Competitive Electricity Markets", University of Manchester, 1999.
- B. Pitt, "Applications of Data Mining Techniques to Electric Load Profiling", University of Manchester, 2000.
- D. Jayaweera, "Value of Security Assessment - Extensions and Applications", University of Manchester, 2003.
- D. Nedic, "Simulation of Large System Disturbance", University of Manchester, 2003.
- Y.T. Tan, "Impact on the Power System with a Large Penetration of Photovoltaic Generation", University of Manchester, 2004.
- M.P. Garcia Alajarin, "Forecasting System Imbalance Volumes and Analysis of Unusual Eevents in Competitive Electricity Markets", University of Manchester, 2005.
- M. Ortega-Vazquez, "Optimizing the Spinning Reserve Requirements", University of Manchester, 2006.
- C.L. Su, "Optimal Demand-Side Participation in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets", University of Manchester, 2007.
- Y. Rebours, "A Comprehensive Assessment of Markets for Frequency and Voltage Control Ancillary Services", University of Manchester, 2008.
- N.Y. Dahlan, "Valuation Model for Generation Investment in Liberalised Electricity Market", University of Manchester, 2011.
- A. Rosso, "Assessment of the contribution of storage and demand side management to power system flexibility", University of Manchester, 2011.
- J. Ma, "Evaluating and Planning Flexibility in a Sustainable Power System with Large Wind Penetration", University of Manchester, 2012.
- A. Negash, "Valuing Distributed Energy Resources", University of Washington, 2015.
- Y. Dvorkin, "Operations and Planning in Sustainable Power Systems", University of Washington, 2016.
- M. Sarker, "Electric Vehicles as Grid Resources", University of Washington, 2016.
- Y. Wang, "Energy Storage Operation with Wind Uncertainty", University of Washington, 2017.
- Z. Wang, "Bridging the Gaps for Valuing Distributed Energy Resources", University of Washington, 2017.
- T. Qiu, "Planning and Operation of Energy Storage Systems in Power Systems", University of Washington, 2018.
- J.E. Contreras Ocaña , "Technical and Economic Models for Distributed Energy Resources Integration", University of Washington, 2018.
- B. Xu, "Batteries in Electricity Markets:Economic Planning and Operations", University of Washington, 2018.
- Y. Tan, "Power System Resilience under Natural Disasters", University of Washington, 2018.
- A. Almaimouni, "Taming the Curse of Dimensionality in the Generation Expansion", University of Washington, 2018.
- A. Milyani, "The Design of Carbon Taxes in Electric Power Systems and the Effects on Market Participation", University of Washington, 2019.
- D. Olsen, "Policies and Planning for Low-Carbon Power Systems", University of Washington, 2019.
- R. Elliott, "Trajectory Tracking Wide-Area Control for Power Systems", University of Washington, 2020.
- Y. Long, "Voltage Regulation for Distribution Networks with Smart Photovoltaic Inverters", University of Washington, 2021.
- M. Ahumada-Parás, "Resilience in Multi-Energy Systems", University of Washington, 2022.
- D. Tabas, "Data-Driven Constrained Control for Power Systems", University of Washington, 2024.
- L. D. Smith, "Electricity Rate Design for Integrating Distributed Resources Into Energy Systems", University of Washington, 2024.
Master Theses
- R. Breiding, "Determining the Damage State of the Electrical Distribution System Following an Earthquake", University of Washington, 2015.
- J. Miller, "Assessment of the Electrification of the Road Transport Sector on Net System Emissions", University of Washington, 2016.
- K. Kozdras, "Modeling & Analysis of Small Hydroelectric Generation and Battery Energy Storage Connected as a Microgrid", University of Washington, 2016.
- A. Edwards, "Modeling of Distributed Generation under Next Generation Interconnection Requirements", University of Washington, 2017.
- K. Morrissey, "Mitigating Short-Term Variations of Photovoltaic Generation Using Energy Storage with VOLTTRON", University of Washington, 2017.
- R. Hay, "Economic Operation of Supercritical CO2 Refrigeration Energy Storage Technology", University of Washington, 2017.
- N. Song, "Generation Forecasting for Small Run-of-the-River Hydroelectric Systems Using Statistical Learning Models", University of Washington, 2018.
- L. Qiao, "Load Pickup and Feeder Reconfiguration of Distribution Networks", University of Washington, 2019.
- J. Baum, "Power System Risk Analysis Under Increasing Levels of Variable Energy Resources", University of Washington, 2020.
- T. Ray, "Residential Rooftop Solar Equity in Washington State", University of Washington, 2021.
- K. Foster, "Power and Energy Implications for Electrification of the UW Transportation Vehicle Fleet", University of Washington, 2022.