Information Security Governance Papers

Paper Title Measurement and Metrics14
The Abstract of The Paper Metrics are tools designed to improve performance and accountability through the collection, analysis, and reporting of relevant performance-related data. Information security metrics monitor the accomplishment of goals and objectives by quantifying the implementation level of secur
ty controls and the efficiency and effectiveness of the controls, by analyzing the adequacy of security activities, and by identifying possible improvement actions. 􀂃
Metrics/performance measures are aligned to the agency strategy and information security strategy, and therefore are aligned to mission requirements.
Agency uses metrics/performance measures to quantify and assess its information security performance and to identify and target corrective actions. 􀂃 Agency decision makers use metrics/performance measures as an input into decision making regarding prioritization of activities and resource and funding allocations.
Agency uses metrics/performance measures that can be obtained without spending extraordinary resources.
Metrics/performance measures provide numerical and empirical data rather than opinions.
Metrics/performance measures are regularly verified by third-party reviewers for accuracy and validity.
Metrics/performance measures provide meaningful data to assess the impact of changes over time.
Agency collects data to calculate metrics/performance measures at the most discrete, unanalyzed level possible.
Agency uses well-defined and specified metrics/performance measures.
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