Information Security Governance Papers

Paper Title Achieving Effective Information Security Governance: Challenges and Approaches
The Abstract of The Paper Why Should a Board Care About Information Security?

Every business, nonprofit, and governmental organization, indeed our entire economy, is dependent on the continuous, successful operation of our nation's critical infrastructures. We rely on the electrical power grid, railroads and airlines, oil and gas, banking system, and, perhaps above all, telecommunication networks. Each of these is fueled and controlled by information. Security of information, the systems that processit, and the networks they comprise are the focus of this report and the summit conferences that provided the impetus and contnt for this report.

Exponential growth of connectivity has created new information vulnerabilities, capable of causing the demise of businesses that are otherwise sound. This has occurred through the extensive use of information networks and the Internet, a remarkably useful invention that has existed for over a quarter century but that only enterd public and business consciousness around 1995. Considered a novelty then, today it is an integral, indeed essential, part of many businesses. Since boards of directors are ultimately accountable for the well-being and prepetuity of the organizations they govern, directors need to learn to ask the right questions about information security as a part of thier most fundamental responsibility, the duty of care.
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