Power Systems Test Case Archive
How You Can Help
Last Update:
August 1999An archive is just a storage place. What makes it valuable is what is in it. If you have something in electronic form that would be useful for other power engineers, you can help the profession by submitting it to the archive.
To submit, send email with your submission attached to christie@ee.washington.edu. Please put Archive Submission on your subject line. People sending submissions will be credited!
Of course, submissions are screened before they are placed in the archive. The archive must reserve the right to refuse any submission, and to delete any submission at any time without notice to the submitter.
The archive is interested in acquiring power system test case data files, and data format descriptions. Other archival material will be considered if it falls within the general purpose of the archive. Data files representing test case data for a variety of uses such as power flow, reliability, economic dispatch, stability, etc., are welcome. Both small test cases and large, real world power system cases are desired. Data from real systems is very desirable, but must come with the original owner's permission to post and freely distribute. (Such permission may be more easily obtained if specific bus, substation and utility names are replaced with generic names like "Bus 1" and "Utility 1".)
There is no restriction on the format of the data, but data files will obviously be more useful if they are in a format that is widely used. The most well-known formats for power flow data are:
Partial descriptions of some of the formats are in text files in the archive.
If the data is not in one of these well-known formats, a description of the format in use is needed to make the data accessible to a wide variety of users.
rdc 8/99