RFID Security and Privacy concerns
Nicholas Tsougas, U.S. Department of Defense Logistics AIT Office
Abstract: There are a number of business cases for passive RFID and most are based on the assumption that the RF tags, to include underlying IT systems are secure and authentic, and that privacy and security will not be a concern to the consumer. How do we identify the "real issues" and how do we eliminate or mitigate these concerns for government and commercial entities. What is the reality of all of the articles being circulated regarding RFID security and privacy?
Biography: Nicholas Tsougas currently serves as Lead Technical Advisor for emerging Logistics Technologies for the DOD Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) Office and a Principal working for SRA International. He and his team have successfully performed a wide variety of projects including strategic planning, business process reengineering, Joint Operations, DOD Policy and Regulations for AIT, Standardization of data across AISs,software asset management, system development, financial analysis, Automated Data Capture, Electronic Product Code (EPC) passive RFID, RFID Architecture, passive and active RFID- Policy and applications/implementations in the Supply Chain, Satellite tracking, DOD Wireless policy, acquisition policy & planning, Program Management, facilitation of cross functional teams, functionality assessments, web site development, budget/logistics/contracts and Supply Chain Management. Nick began his professional career with the U.S. Navy, and served in a wide variety of domestic and international Supply Chain Managementleadership positions.