Camera-ready Submission Instructions

To ensure the accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, the camera-ready versions must be submitted by April 21, 2013, as indicated below:

  1. The recommended format must be used (see Formatting Instructions below).
  2. IEEE PDF compliance must be checked through the IEEE PDF Xpress Plus web site, and a proof of this must be provided (see Requirements for creating PDF Documents below).
  3. The camera-ready version of the paper must be submitted (see Submission Instructions below).
  4. The IEEE Copyright Form must be submitted electronically via EDAS (see IEEE Copyright Form below).
  5. At least one author must register to WoWMoM 2013 with a full registration status.

EDAS will NOT be used to collect camera-ready papers.

Please note that unless these conditions are met, we will not be able to include your paper in the conference proceedings or in IEEE Xplore.

The WoWMoM organizers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

Formatting Instructions

Format and templates

Camera-ready version of papers must be submitted as PDF files. Manuscript templates (MS Word or LaTeX) for producing the camera-ready version of your paper are available at the following URL: You are requested to strictly comply with the format specified therein.

IMPORTANT: LaTeX users, please be sure to use the option compsocconf in the \documentclass line.

Please do not use page numbers in your camera-ready version.

Page limits

Maximum page count includes all text, figures, tables, and references. The number of pages can be increased by contributing with an overlength charge of 100 USD ($) for each additional page exceeding the respective limit. We strictly allow for two extra pages at most for regular papers, and one extra page at most for short, industry track, workshop, WiP and demo papers.

Copyright information

The appropriate copyright clearance code notice is to appear on the bottom, left-hand side of the first page of each paper, as follows:

For LaTeX users, the CCC code can be added using the following:

  1. First, use package command:
  2. \usepackage{eso-pic}
  3. Then, use the following command (everything in one line):
  4. \AddToShipoutPicture*{\small \sffamily\raisebox{1.8cm}
    {\hspace{1.8cm}978-1-4673-5828-6/13/$31.00 \copyright2013 IEEE}}

Requirements for creating PDF Documents for IEEE Xplore

Individual PDFs must be prepared according to the IEEE PDF specification for IEEE Xplore (

All submitted pdf files must pass the IEEE PDF eXpress Plus check.

Please note that IEEE PDF eXpress Plus is the final collection site for camera-ready papers for this conference. EDAS will NOT be used to collect camera-ready papers.

Submission Instructions for Camera-Ready Versions

All authors must submit the camera-ready version of their paper through IEEE PDF eXpress Plus (see above). PDF eXpress Plus will be open for WoWMoM 2013 starting on March 16, 2013.

Important: The deadline for submission is April 21, 2013 (11:59pm EDT) -- firm deadline.

IEEE Copyright Form

An IEEE Copyright Form must be submitted for each paper. Authors are allowed to file IEEE copyright forms electronically.

To upload copyright forms, first log into EDAS, then go to "My Papers" tab and click on the '(c)' icon under the column "Copyright Form" where your paper is located.

You will be redirected to the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form website. Please provide carefully the answers that best apply to you. Once the copyright form has been successfully recorded, you will receive a confirmation email.

Note: If one of the author is authorized to sign the copyright on behalf of all the authors, the copyright form shall be submitted by that author. Otherwise, answer "Yes" when asked "Should another Author or Corporate Officer complete the electronic Copyright Form?" and ensure the other authors complete this process. Additional information can be found here.