Advanced Circuit Simulation
PI |
Students |
Sponsors |
Principal Investigator
Participating Students:
Jianlei Shi
Bo Hu
Zhao Li (Now with Cadence Design Systems)
DARPA NeoCAD Program (2002 to 2004)
SRC/NSF Joint Mixed-Signal Initiative
B. Hu and C.-J. R. Shi, "
Efficient process-voltage-temperature corner
simulation by combined direct
and iterative methods",
IEEE/ACM International Conf. Computer-Aided
Design, 2005 (accepted).
Z. Li and C.-J. R. Shi, "SILCA: SPICE-accurate iterative linear-centric analysis for efficient time-domain simulation of VLSI circuits with strong parasitic couplings",
IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design, accepted.
Z. Li and C.-J. R. Shi, "An efficiently preconditioned GMRES method for fast parasitic-sensitive deep-submicron VLSI circuit simulation", pp. xxx-xxx in
Proc. Design Automation & Test in Europe Conf. (DATE'05), Munich, Germany, March 2005 (Nominated by the Technical Program Committee for Best Paper Award).
Z. Li and C.-J. R. Shi, ``A coupled iterative/direct method for efficient time-domain simulation of nonlinear circuits with power/ground networks", pp. 165-168 in
Proc. IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'04), Vancouver Canada, May 2004.
*Z. Li and C.-J. R. Shi, "SILCA: Fast-yet-accurate time-domain simulation of VLSI circuits with strong parasitic coupling effects," pp. 793-799 in
Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD'03), Nov. 2003 (130 out of 490 accepted).
C.-J. Shi and K. Zhang, ``Tree relaxation: a new iterative solution method
for linear equations", pp. 2355-2359 in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits
and Systems, June 1988.