VLSI Power and Ground Network Optimization
PI |
Students |
Sponsors |
Principal Investigator
Participating Students:
Xiangdong Tan
Dragos Lungeanu
X.-D. Tan, C.-J. R. Shi and J.-C. Lee, "Reliability-constrained area optimization of VLSI power/ground networks via sequence of linear programmings,"
IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design,
vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 1678-1684, Dec. 2003.
X.-D. Tan and C.-J. R. Shi, "Efficient VLSI power/ground network sizing based on equivalent circuit modeling,"
IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design,
vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 277-284, March 2003.
*X.-D. Tan and C.-J. R. Shi, ``Fast power-ground network optimization using equivalent circuit modeling", pp. 550-554 in
Proc. 38th IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conf. (DAC'01),
Las Vegas, NE, June 2001.
X. Tan, C.-J. Shi, D. Lungeanu, J.-C. Lee and L.-P. Yuan,
*``Reliability-constrained area optimization of VLSI power/ground networks via
sequence of linear programmings",
pp. in IEEE/ACM 36th Design Automation Conference (DAC'99),
New Orleans, LA, June 21-25, 1999.
(Best Paper Award.)