
Tobias Süss
Exchange Visitor
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352500,
253J EE/CSE Building
Seattle, WA 98195-2500, USA
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tel: | 206 616-6170 |
fax: | 206 616-6170 |
I am an exchange visitor from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. After I finished my BSc in Mechanical Engineering in 2006 I started a Master program in Micro and Nanosystems at ETH. Currently I am writing my Master Thesis in the MEMS Lab Group at UW. I am working in close collaboration with the Electrochemistry Group at the Chemical Engineering Department. My Master Thesis is about the electrochemical detection of metal oxide nanoparticles inside a microchannel. Dissolution of the oxide particles leads to small concentrations of metal ions in the electrolyte solution, which is analyzed by stripping voltammetric analysis (SVA). My project aims towards the integration of the SVA setup into a microfluidic device. The device is based on a structured PDMS cap which is bonded onto a glass slide. The electrodes are patterned onto the glass substrate. By restricting all the processes to a single microchannel, the loss and need of limited analyte and reagent can be minimized. In addition, the fabrication cost and power consumption can be reduced.
More about my research here.