Engineering CAReS is a workplace study conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Washington and Calvin University to explore how well the needs of engineers (and those who work with engineers) are met in the engineering workplace.

Thanks so much for taking the time to complete our survey! Your participation is invaluable to our research. 

To start, please read through the consent information below before proceeding to the survey. When you are ready, click on the link below that best matches the job/position you wish to describe:

Want to know more about the Engineering CAReS Study?

  • Cory Lam, Graduate Research Assistant, College of Engineering, University of Washington,
  • Denise Wilson, Professor, College of Engineering, University of Washington,
  • Jennifer VanAntwerp, Professor, Department of Engineering, Calvin University,
Please note that we cannot ensure the confidentiality of information sent via e-mail.

Investigator's Statement
We are asking you to be in a research study.  The purpose of this consent form is to give you the information you will need to help you decide whether or not to be in the study.  Please read the form carefully.  You may ask questions about the purpose of the research, what we would ask you to do, the possible risks and benefits, your rights as a volunteer, and anything else about the research or this form that is not clear.  When all your questions have been answered, you can decide if you want to be in the study or not.  This process is called informed consent.

Purpose of this Study
The purpose of this survey is to gather information about the extent to which engineers, computer scientists, or those who work closely with them feel that they fit in at their jobs. You are encouraged to complete this survey if you are currently working, or have worked at any time in the past 20 years, in any one of these roles within a U.S. based organization (corporate, academic, government, nonprofit): (1) an engineer (2) a computer scientist, or (3) a position working closely with engineers or computer scientists. 

If you choose to be in this study, we would like you to complete a survey which may take up to 15 minutes.   We will ask questions like: Using a rating scale from 1 to 5, how well do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "I feel like I really belong at this organization."

The survey contains questions about who you are (gender, race, ethnicity, etc.) as well as about your experiences at work. You do not have to answer every question. All survey data will be analyzed and reported without identifiable information about you as a unique individual (for example, we may identify you as a woman but will not cite you by name). No uniquely identifiable information will be released outside the research group for any reason. 

Risks, Stress, or Discomfort
Some people feel that providing information for research projects is an invasion of privacy.  Some people feel self-conscious when they answer certain survey questions.  We have addressed concerns for your privacy in the “Procedures” section of this consent form. 

Alternatives to Taking Part in this Study
The alternative to taking part in this study is to not take part in the survey. An additional alternative is to withhold consent for your responses to be included in this research while still responding to some or all of the survey.  

Benefits of this Study
We hope that the results of this study will help us better understand how individuals feel about engineering work and culture. The research results will also be used to formulate and provide actionable information to a wide range of employers that can be used to improve engineering and computer science work culture.   

Source of Funding
No financial support has been received or obtained to conduct this study.

Confidentiality of Research Information
Links between your name or e-mail address (if you choose to provide this information) and your survey responses will be deleted after the records retention period required by state and/or federal law.  Anonymized data may be released to other researchers, but no information that identifies you as an individual will be released outside this research team.  

Other Information
Taking part in this study is voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw at any time. Your decision not to participate will not affect your relationship with any of the investigators listed at the top of this form. You can stop at any time. The research team will keep the study information confidential. To protect confidentiality and privacy, all records of participant data will have personal information removed and names replaced with an anonymous and unique study code.   If the findings of this study are published or presented, we will not use your name.  Government or university staff sometimes review studies such as this one to make sure they are being done safely and legally.  If a review of this study takes place, your records may be examined.  The reviewers will protect your privacy.  The study records will not be used to put you at legal risk of harm. The University of Washington does not normally provide compensation for harm except through its discretionary program for medical injury. However, the law may allow you to seek other compensation if the harm is the fault of the researchers. You do not waive any right to seek payment by providing consent during the completion of this survey.

Subject’s statement
This study has been explained to me.  I volunteer to take part in the survey portion of this study.  I have had a chance to ask questions.  If I have questions later on about the research, I can ask one of the investigators listed on the top of this form.  If I have questions about my rights as a research subject, I can call the University of Washington Human Subjects Division at (206) 543-0098.

(you will be given an opportunity to withdraw consent on the first page of the survey)

Engineering CAReS is a research project of the University of Washington Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Calvin University Department of Engineering.