UW Electrical Engineering pursues research across a broad range of areas, from antennas to photonics to vehicular technology. Some of these research areas involve major multi-university centers, others are part of collaborative Electrical Engineering faculty groups, and some areas remain the focus of individual faculty research projects.
With our department's strong industry research tradition, we maintain extensive connections with companies large and small - from Boeing and Microsoft to smaller established firms and start-ups. Much of our research makes the transition to commercial applications, and we often transfer technology to industry through agencies like the Washington Research Foundation.
The research of our faculty and students continues to earn international recognition, and our current strengths include Advanced Energy Technologies, Speech-Based and Haptic Human-Computer Interfaces, Distributed and "Smart" Sensor Design, Streaming and Broadcast Multimedia, Electromagnetics and Remote Sensing, Systems-on-a-chip Design and Testing, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Signal Processing and Compression, Mechatronics and Genome Automation, Advanced Wireless Networks and Communications, Microelectromechanical Systems, and Nanotechnology.